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Date added:
Aug. 7, 2020
Date released:
Aug. 7, 2020
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JoJo v2.41

Open Quark and InDesign documents easily.

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JoJo Editor's review

JoJo is a MacOS X application and makes it easier to open QuarkXPress�?�¢?�?�¢ and Adobe Indesign�?�¢?�?�¢ documents in their relvent version. Simply drag the document over the dock icon of JoJo and let it drop. JoJo will open the relevent version of QuarkXPress�?�¢?�?�¢ or Adobe Indesign�?�¢?�?�¢ for this document. If the appilication is not runnig JoJo will start it. Beforehand you have to set the paths to the different QuarkXPress and Adobe Indesign applications in the JoJo preferences.

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Avoid accidental "upsaving" when multiple versions of InDesign or QXP are installed.