DrawBerry v0.8.1
Simple vector drawing app.
DrawBerry Editor's review
This review was originally posted on VersionTracker.com.How come a little freeware app like Drawberry can get gradients right while spendy apps like Intaglio, VectorDesigner and similar apps offer lousy gradient control? Anyone? Anyone? I'm a little confused why my drop shadows only respond from a filled-shape's stroke (outline) instead of the entire object (i.e., offset the shadow a little bit and you'll see that it's a shadow ring and not an actual drop shadow representing the entire filled object), but maybe I'm missing a property somewhere. Nevertheless, Drawberry is free so I won't complain. I'm always on the lookout for lightweight (yet powerful) apps like Drawberry to replace Adobe's bloatware (in this case Illustrator) when it comes to my needs to quickly edit or whip up a vector graphic without wasting the time (and the computer resources) necessary for booting Illustrator as well as leaving it open in the background.If only someone would take a serious stab at Photoshop (Pixelmator just doesn't cut it, not even on the lightweight end). I know there are plenty of artists who would love a lightweight image processing app to take over light-duty Photoshop tasks, and who would in addition pay handsomely for an actual full-blown Photoshop alternative that truly leverages the available, under-the-hood Mac OS X technologies. It's been sad to watch Adobe product-potential be continually stunted by the limitations imposed by the staggering level Windows entropy, something that is always inherent to software that is developed as cross-platform.
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