
Creature About

Creature Specifications
Date added:
Feb. 5, 2018
Date released:
May 10, 2015
Operating system:
Mac OS X 10.10/10.9,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements

Creature v1.19

Automated 2D skeletal animation.

Creature Screenshots

Creature Editor's review

FromKestrel Moon Studios Pte Ltd:Creature is the Cutting-edge 2D Animation Software designed to add stunningly fluid animation to your digital content. Take advantage of Creature's Directible Automated Animation Engine and powerful workflow to produce amazingly complex animation in an incredibly easy and time-efficient manner. Creature is the ideal animation Tool for game developers, digital artists and web designers wanting to add that special animated magic to make your content come alive.

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Create motion animations and add animations to your videos for free.