Kinemac Specifications
Create your own professional 3D animations.
Kinemac is a 3D Real Time Animation Software for Mac OS X. It allows you to create your own professional 3D Animations with the simplicity of a 2D presentation tool. Just drag your images, texts, movies, songs, SVG and 3D OBJ files onto the Kinemac stage to get them into your animation. Kinemac also allows you to apply images and movies textures onto the ready-to-use objects like cubes, cylinders, spheres, tubes, pies, rectangles, disks... which you can easily animate by setting key frames. Also, it lets you quickly create 3D Text and 2D scrolling text (RTF and RTFD) with any kind of font, color, size, shadows, embedded images... A powerful animation control system based on Bezier curves allows you to carefully control any aspect of the movement such as translations, rotations, resizing, fading, speed, acceleration and deceleration of any object on the stage. The result is a professional and smooth animation which you can play in Real-Time/Full-Screen or export to a QuickTime movie file. Kinemac uses the latest technologies like the OpenGL engine, QuickTime and the Cocoa frameworks, making it the ideal application to create Advertising for TV, trailers for movies, video-clips, instant scrolling messaging to put "on air" in real time, video content for CD, DVD, web sites... Also it has been said "awesome" to illustrate concepts through 3D animations at conferences, schools and universities. Kinemac is for Mac OS X only.
Animation:Master 203 |
V-Ray for SketchUp 203 |
Autodesk Maya Service Pack 203 |
Balancer 203 |
Roomeon 3D-Planner 203 |
Blender 203 |
Strata Design 3D CX Update 203 |
DAZ Studio 203 |
MadMapper 203 |
Flash Optimizer 203 |