FlopCruncher Lite Specifications
Texas Hold'em odds calculator widget
3 stars
{ review.getRatingValue }}
"Not the best way to calculate"
"Not the best way to calculate"
SamCrutJune 28, 2007 / Version: FlopCruncher Lite 1.2
2007-06-28 19:59:29 | By SamCrut
This review was originally posted on VersionTracker.com.This application uses a brute force approach to calculating odds. It plays out random hands over and over in memory and keeps track of how many times your hand wins. Technically, that's not calculating "odds."Calculating odds involves mathematically spitting out the chances based on the 52 cards in the deck, not launching a million simulated attacks like W.O.P.R. in the climax of War Games.It also has no way to enter the street cards into the calculation so all it works for is pre-flop odds, IF YOU KNOW AN OPPONENT'S POCKET CARDS! You enter TWO hands and compare their odds. It may be fun for WATCHING poker, but for playing, it's kinda useless.