Leopaque Specifications
enable menu bar opacity in OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
5 stars
{ review.getRatingValue }}
VersionTrackerUserOpinionAugust 23, 2008 / Version: Leopaque 2.1
2008-08-23 10:14:55 | By VersionTrackerUserOpinion
This review was originally posted on VersionTracker.com.Thank you for this!
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5 stars
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"Still Relevant Even After 10.5.2!"
"Still Relevant Even After 10.5.2!"
JD_1February 16, 2008 / Version: Leopaque 2.1
2008-02-16 00:00:00 | By JD_1
This review was originally posted on VersionTracker.com.Even with the release of 10.5.2 and the option to turn off the Transparency in the Menu bar, I still use this so as to have my menu a nice, bright & legible white background. It sure beats the new dark & dingy look that Apple seems to be heading with their GUI in Leopard.Funny how things work out sometimes, for this to make the Menu bar appear white, the Translucent Menu Bar option must be checked on for this to work!I wish that Apple would give us the option to select the Aqua interface if we so choose, similar in the way that Aqua4ITunes does.Thanks for this!
WindowShade X 203 |
Monolingual 203 |
iconXprit 203 |
Right Zoom 203 |
Fan Control 203 |
SymbolicLinker 203 |
Launchpad-Control 203 |
handyPrint 203 |
Smart Scroll 203 |
xGestures 203 |