KinoLUT Specifications
Translate your video footage into a Hollywood style look.
KinoLUT is a Look-Up Table, or a static document that can be read by all major video editing and color grading suites. In some cases it needs a third party LUT reader plugin. KinoLUT emulates the epic look of the Kodak Vision film stock, used in most epic Hollywood movies. Directors like Michael Bay, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron and many other delivers their movies with a similar look. Just apply the KinoLUT to your footage and enjoy the results. 45 variations allow for a fine tune of the color temperature and the exposure.
DE:Flicker 261 |
iOrgsoft Video Editor 203 |
VideoStitch Studio 203 |
Subler 203 |
WooWave Sync Pro 203 |
VideoPad Masters Edition 203 |
Apple Motion 5 Content 203 |
Avidemux 203 |
CatDV Pegasus 203 |
Adobe Premiere Elements 203 |