
Disk Scope About

Disk Scope Specifications
Date added:
March 13, 2018
Date released:
April 4, 2015
Operating system:
Mac OS X 10.10/10.7/10.8/10.9,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements

Disk Scope v1.0

Gives you a visual layout to where your files are, shown as bars.

Disk Scope Screenshots

Disk Scope Editor's review

FromBloop SRL:Do you have an overfilling hard drive? Or are your files just scattered everywhere around your Mac? Disk Scope solves this problem, it gives you a visual layout to where your files are, shown as bars.When you open Disk Scope for the first time you immediately notice the simplicity, Disk Scope asks you to select your Macintosh HD for added security and once you've completed that, your greeted with a friendly layout that's easy to understand.Whether your a computer novice or just starting out, you will find Disk Scope simple and a breeze to use.The app immediately scan's your hard drive for Caches, Caches are useless but yet they take up lots of space on your Hard Drive. This is where Disk Scope solves the problem, it removes all the caches leaving you with free space! Disk Scope can continue to remove Caches which form over time

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