Turbo Copy Pro v1.1
Copy and Paste at turbo speed on Mac systems with the tool named Turbo Copy Pro.
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Turbo Copy Pro Editor's review
FromTurbo Copy Pro:The only copy and paste function available for mac that can be paused and resumed with ease and withour any loss of data, now can easily be done with the help of Turbo Copy Pro tool by Gladwev Software.A faster copy and paste of data on mac is now possible with the help of Turbi Copy Pro. With this tool installed n your systems, the shortcut keys (CTRL+command+V for paste) enables you to move your data from one place to the other at turbo speeds with terrific options to pause and resume the process and do not worry there will be no loss of data for sure.Turbo Copy Pro is a revolutionary tool that will change your Mac experience forever. It will provide you with a feature that you never had before and no tool provided it made it possible for you to do so
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