
ChemicalBurn About

Editors' rating
ChemicalBurn Specifications
Date added:
Nov. 20, 2022
Date released:
Aug. 26, 2008
Operating system:
Mac OS X 10.4 PPC, Mac OS X 10.4 Intel, Macintosh,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Mac OS X 10.4

ChemicalBurn v1.1.2

Watch packages fly by with this screensaver that simulates a self-organizing transportation network.

ChemicalBurn Screenshots

ChemicalBurn Editor's review

ChemicalBurn is a free, attractive screensaver that simulates a data transportation network with a colorful, fast-moving array of "self-organizing" nodes and packages. You don't need any special knowledge to enjoy this screensaver's ever-changing, high-tech display, but networking enthusiasts will appreciate the simulation's veracity (as packages attempt to find the fastest way to their destination) and they'll love tinkering with detailed settings, including control over traffic and distance weighting (for example, as linear, square, log, and exponential functions). ChemicalBurn's calculations can be CPU-intensive--proportional to the cube of the number of nodes selected--so casual users should read the app's documentation before changing too many settings.


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