WBZ Helper Specifications
Download and save .wbz images to your folder or iPhoto.
Holocore is pleased to provide this free unsupported utility for making the Webshots site easier to use on a Mac. The WBZ Helper takes .wbz images downloaded from Webshots and allows you to set them as your screensaver, and also to import them into a new album in iPhoto (optional if you don't use iPhoto).
Note that this utility only handles .wbz files and does not yet support collections (.wbc/ .wbp).
Flocks 203 |
Solar Winds 203 |
Holiday Lights 203 |
XScreenSaver 203 |
Dropclock 203 |
Lattice 203 |
LotsaWater 203 |
A Very 3D Christmas Screen Saver 203 |
X-Galaxy 203 |
Cyclone 203 |