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RandomExtra About

RandomExtra Specifications
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Date added:
Oct. 3, 2020
Date released:
May 14, 2012
Operating system:
Mac/OS X 10.7,
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Additional Requirements

RandomExtra v3.0

Screensaver module manager.

RandomExtra Screenshots

RandomExtra Editor's review

RandomExtra is a tool helps you manage your Screen Savers. It picks a module according to your configuration and uses it when screen saver starts. If you don't want a screen saver to be picked for the time being, just "deactivate" it in config dialog. You don't need to delete modules from various screen saver directories but control it with RandomExtra.


Activate, deactivate your installed screen savers.Now, you don't need to delete modules from various screen saver directories.Four pick modes.Pure Random: Automatically pick a module when the screen saver starts.Random With Priority: Modules own higher priority are given more chances.One By One: No Screen Saver can be picked out twice till a loop ends.Basic Black: Show you a black screen when the screen saver starts.Pick count record.Displays the last picked Screen Saver.Some screen savers are "powerful" and may freeze you Mac. So you have to kill the screen saver engine or even reboot the computer. With the information of the last picked screen saver, it's easy to pick it out and deactivate it by One-Click.Test selected Screen Saver.

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