SideNotes Specifications
Add flexible easy to remove notes to your monitor.
SideNotes provides clean and handy notes on the side of your monitor. Have you ever had a thought that came to your mind and all you wanted was to write it down quickly? Meet SideNotes: it's an app for note-taking where you put all your buzzing thoughts in a neat, quick and organized way. Enjoy its non-distractive workflow. With SideNotes you can save your ideas, pictures, task lists and many more.
SideNotes keeps you from juggling with windows when searching for notes. The app always appears on top of other windows - you can easily hide it or pull it out from the side of your monitor with one click or with a keyboard shortcut. You can even use just your keyboard to work with your notes. Everything is in its place and you still have place for everything. Smoothly pull out your notes from outside your monitor and easily hide them back. Mark notes with colors and group them into folders. Drag and drop pictures directly from your web browser. Save links, code snippets or even colors. Create task lists and mark items done. Create notes directly from the pasteboard. Drop text files or folders. Use 3 text formatting modes: Markdown, Plain Text and Code.
Sublime Text 203 |
Marked 203 |
Quick Note 203 |
Creo 203 |
VimR 203 |
Kaleidoscope 203 |
Easy Markdown 203 |
Byword 203 |
Monodraw 203 |
TextWrangler 203 |