Magnet Specifications
Organize Your Workspace.
Every time you move a content from one app to the other, compare data side by side or multitask in any other way, you need all the windows arranged accordingly. Magnet makes this process clean and simple.
In one drag to the edge, you size a window into half of your screen. And by dragging windows to the corners, you snap them into quarters. Slide them to the bottom edge of your display to create thirds. Do the same on your ultra-wide monitor and arrange windows into sixths. Taking advantage of such arrangements eliminates app switching and greatly enhances workspace efficiency.
Paste 203 |
Ghostnote 203 |
ClipAgent 203 |
Troi URL Plug-In 203 |
Coffitivity 203 |
Snippery 203 |
Universal Back Button 203 |
Electrical Engineering Calculators 203 |
Duet Display 203 |
RecordAnyVid 203 |