VistaClock Specifications
Menu bar clock replacement that looks like Windows's task clock.
VistaClock is a replacement for the Mac OSX build in menu bar clock. VistaClock not only gives you the time and optional week number icon display, but when you click on it, a dialog with calendar and analog clock opens up. Optionally you can add additional clocks with time zones.You can quickly see the date for two weeks from next thursday. Or the day the 20th of next month falls on.Features:- Quick access to calendar and analog clock with second hand.- Start on Login option.- Week Number Icon in the statusbar (color or monochrome).- Keep on Top option.- Additional clocks with time zone support.- Custom format for statusbar clock.- Custom Clock Control, choice of clock faces.- Custom Calendar Control.- Week Number calendar view.- Automatically hides when not in focus.
Things 203 |
Timelime 203 |
OmniFocus 203 |
TodoTxtMac 203 |
Freedom 203 |
Nice Clock 203 |
Calendar 366 Plus 203 |
BookingPOINT 203 |
Zimbra Desktop 203 |
Focus Booster 203 |