HOBLink JWT Specifications
Access to Windows apps from a Mac.
HOBLink JWT is a platform-independent, Java-based solution for accessing MS Windows Terminal Servers. It makes business-critical data in Windows-based applications available to all users, regardless of the type of hardware or operating system they are using.
Server-based computing - since the advent of the Windows Terminal Server (WTS), the world of Windows has also enjoyed the benefits of accessing applications residing on a central server. HOBLink JWT is the innovative solution for accessing WTS that goes a step further: Central installation and administration through Java technology.
Vine Server 203 |
Mocha TN3270 203 |
Remotix 203 |
HOBLink JWT 203 |
TeamViewer 203 |
Pogoplug Remote Access 203 |
VPN AutoConnect 203 |
HideMe VPN Pro 203 |
Apple Remote Desktop Client 203 |
Fugu 203 |