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Chromakey Movie About

Chromakey Movie Specifications
File size:
Date added:
Jan. 24, 2018
Date released:
May 16, 2005
Free to try
Operating system:
Mac OS X 10.0/10.1/10.2/10.3/10.3.9/10.4 PPC,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
- Mac OS X (includes Tiger)- iMovie 3 or above (works with HD)

Chromakey Movie v2.0

Blend two movies dynamically.

Chromakey Movie Editor's review

Fromcf/x:Best-of-class compositing ('blue-', 'green-screening') plugin" for iMovie. But what does it do? Simply put, it allows you to intelligently blend two movies dynamically. This is more than applying a simple transparency mask because it allows you to target any color in one of your movies and make that color transparent. This mask is re-calculated dynamically for every frame in your clip. The best known (and probably most often) example for this technique is a newscaster in front of the white house
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