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Color Schemes Specifications
helps you select color schemes
Color Schemes for Mac allows users to create color patterns for use in a number of applications. The free application was easy to download and doesn't require installation.
Color Schemes for Mac opens to a well-organized interface separated into few sections. Three large windows on the left are blank initially, but house the chosen color schemes. A right side menu has options where users can place previously designed matches, along with a sample one. Clicking the button next to each brings them up in the three windows quickly. In the lower left, sliders for red, green, and blue that correspond to each of the windows allow the user to change the colors. The specific number can be entered, which also populates an additional small window with a hex code. This can be used for designing Internet pages and inserting specific colors using codes. Clicking a button saves the scheme for later retrieval. The user can choose between two modes: Manual and Automatic. In the Automatic mode the user is able to mix the color only for the top window, which then displays colors for the two bottom windows automatically. In the Manual mode colors for all three windows can be set separately, giving the user more freedom.
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