
EcoBeakerHS About

EcoBeakerHS Specifications
Date added:
June 13, 2019
Date released:
Oct. 13, 2002
Operating system:
Mac OS Classic/X 10.0/X 10.1/X 10.2,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Mac OS 9.1 - OS X

EcoBeakerHS v1.1

Teach ecology and environmental science in grades 8-12

EcoBeakerHS Screenshots

EcoBeakerHS Editor's review

EcoBeakerHS, made by SimBiotic Software, is the premier program for teaching ecology, environmental science, and evolution to high school students in an inquiry-based fashion. EcoBeakerHS presents students with a community of species, and has them discover important biological concepts by doing realistic experiments on these communities. The complete package includes 10 laboratories covering a wide range of topics, from population growth to environmental topics like sewage in lakes to how communities and ecosystems are put together to the evolution of resistance to malaria. Each of the labs is accompanied by a student workbook, a teachers guide, and two levels of assesment. Fully functional demonstration copies are available for both Macintosh and Windows platforms from


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