fennel DVDManager Pro Specifications
Manage the workflow of your DVD library.
fennel DVDManager Pro is our next-generation DVD manager (sic) for OS X. With its clean interface, available in 17 languages, it makes maintaining your DVD library as easy as 1-2-3. Retrieve your DVDs' details through online sites or add and edit them manually, yet quickly (just the core details). Manage their life when lent to friends thanks to your Address Book. Create box sets+wish list easily, and manage them intuitively. Export a complete list of your DVD library.
Archive 203 |
Movie Collector 203 |
Wines 203 |
Readerware 203 |
My Library 203 |
JXCirrus Finance 203 |
Movie Label 2016 203 |
Coollector Movie Database 203 |
Inventaire 203 |
fennel DVDManager Pro 203 |