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Graphic Design Software & Sub Categories


Xdata for QuarkXPress

Turn your raw structured data into finished documents.


CardWorks Business Card Free

Design your own printable business cards.


Panoweaver Standard Edition (Mac)

Stitch 360 degree panorama for mac and export Flash VR, HTML5, QuickTime VR.



Feature-rich and easy-to-use image editor for editing photos, drawing and icons.

Editors' rating


Panoweaver Professional Edition

Stitch 360 degree panorama for mac and export Flash VR, HTML5, QuickTime VR.


Tick Tock

Track the time that you spend on InDesign documents


Animoids 3D Movie Maker

Build and animate 3D models.



Open Quark and InDesign documents easily.



Create vector images.


PDF Converter Free

Allows a PDF document to be converted to a fully editable PowerPoint Mac 2008/2011 pptx presentation


PDF Checkpoint

Automate PDF preflight and conversion.

Editors' rating


Silhouette Studio

Design projects to send to Silhouette electronic cutting machines.