CoLocalizer Pro Specifications
Perform colocalization analysis of confocal fluorescence microscopy images.
CoLocalizer Pro is a professional quantitative colocalization analysis software. It is used to obtain new and objective information about proteins and nucleic acids visualized using fluorescence techniques. CoLocalizer Pro combines the power of it's unique background correction tools with implementation of already established algorithms to estimate colocalization quantitatively. CoLocalizer Pro software is used by leading scientific laboratories worldwide and has become a de facto standard in this field of research.
Features include:
Datasqueeze 203 |
iBabel 203 |
Stellarium 203 |
Skim 203 |
OsiriX MD 203 |
LabChart Reader 203 |
Findings 203 |
Graph 203 |
PrimerPlex 203 |
Essential Anatomy 203 |