
Sports Calculators About

Sports Calculators Specifications
Date added:
July 11, 2016
Date released:
June 30, 2016
Operating system:
Mac OS X 10.10/10.11/10.9,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements

Sports Calculators v1.0

Perform various calculations related to sport activities.

Sports Calculators Screenshots

Sports Calculators Editor's review

FromGremlinsSoft:Sports Calculators comprises a selection of 12 different calculators that will simplify calculations which have given you headaches so far. Complex calculations, such as Base Running Average, Baseball Batting Average and others listed below will be handled easily with this app. Base Running Average, Baseball Batting Average, Baseball Earned Run Average, Baseball Fielding Percentage, Baseball Slugging Percentage (SLG), Basketball Statistics, Football / Soccer Statistics, Ice Hockey Statistics, Baseball On-base Percentage, Baseball On-base plus slugging (OPS), KDA Ratio, Heptathlon Points. Formula and description for each calculator. Copy / Paste params and results

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