Send to Kindle for Mac Specifications
Send personal documents and ebooks to your Kindle from your Mac.
- Send personal documents to your Kindle from your Mac.
- Drag and drop one or more documents on to the Send to Kindle icon in your Dock or launch the application and drag and drop one or more documents on to it.
- From any Mac application that can print, select the print menu and choose Send to Kindle.
- From Finder, simply control-click on one or more documents and choose Send to Kindle.
- Choose to archive documents in your Kindle library, where you can re-download them conveniently at any time.
Clearview 203 |
eCanCrusher 203 |
Vellum 203 |
ePublr 203 |
Audio Book 203 |
KDeasy Kindle Manager 203 |
Screenshot to Speech 203 |
Novely 203 |
BookReader 203 |
Send to Kindle for Mac 203 |