Manage your images and create Web pages.
Click'n View is a powerful image viewer.
Importing images from your digital camera with one click.Slide show with sound and effect.Easy Printing, crop, rotate Pictures.Includes Batch file converter (JPEG/PICT/BMP/TIFF/GIF/PDF/PNG/PDS->JPEG/PICT/TIFF)Manages countless pictures in one picture list with less memory.Any page of PDF can be cropped, viewed, printed.Create your homepage, and keep your homepage up-to-date with user's template.Any operation does not change original ...
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Pixillion Plus Image Converter is an easy to use image converter for Mac
Digital Picture and Video Recovery Software
Extract all frames of your movie into high-resolution pictures.
Generate Sequence of Images from a single Video File with Video to Image Converter for Mac.
Quickly present your photos & movies with style.
Image & movie viewer with image editing tools.