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Digital Photo Software & Sub Categories



Add text captions to digital photos, and to crop big batches of scanned photos.


RAW Converter

Convert camera RAW photo to common format such as jpg, jp2000 etc.


Avalanche for Lightroom

Migrate your Aperture libraries without loosing your settings.


MultiAd Creator Professional

Combine premium page-layout capabilities with drawing, illustration and image manipulation.



HDR photo editor software with RAW developer and single photo enhancement.


PTGui Pro

Create high quality panoramic photographs and stitch multiple images.



Produce artistic, hand-drawn effects.


Easy Photo Studio Free

View, resize and batch convert images on Mac.


Luminar 3

Edit your photos to look beautiful.


iMagine Photo

imaging & drawing functionality for AppleScript


iMagine Photo Automator Actions

watermark, metadata, draw text


Photos Resizer

Resize, crop, rotate, rename images in a batch.