HueGo Specifications
Select colors from anywhere on your screen and copy the html HEX code with ease.
5 stars
{ review.getRatingValue }}
"accuracy in CSS SHORT colors??"
"accuracy in CSS SHORT colors??"
mccoytestAugust 26, 2005 / Version: Hue Go! 1.3
2005-08-26 18:12:18 | By mccoytest
This review was originally posted on asked this guy, the other day why a brown color (#AA7733 HEX) shows up in his eyedropper tool as #115 (deep blue) for a CSS SHORT value. (Should be #A73) No response. I have no confidence in the accuracy (CSS at least). Hue GO! reports the (orangish) XML feed logo in the bottom left of this VersionTracker window as #D99254 in HEX but #218 in CSS SHORT, while the blueish RSS icon reports #4C80AF HEX and #711 in CSS SHORT, not good. But he releases a new version today!
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