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Changes About

Changes Specifications
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Date added:
June 27, 2014
Date released:
June 27, 2014
Free to try
Operating system:
Mac OS X 10.8, Mac OS X 10.9, Mac OS X 10.7, Mac OS X 10.6,
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Additional Requirements
Not available

Changes v1.7.1

Powerful File and Folder Comparison.

Changes Editor's review

A powerful directory comparison and text differencing app for Mac OS X. Integrates with subversion, git, svnX, TextMate, BBEdit, TextWranger, and Xcode. Includes a command line utility for easy inclusion into your workflow. Supports SFTP shares via deep MacFUSE integration. Leverages the power of OS X 10.5's Core Animation to create a truly beautiful and functional user experience.
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