ExchangeRateCM Specifications
Convert between USD and other currencies and send result to clipboard.
ExchangeRateCMis a utility for easily converting text selections in any application that supports contextual menus from US Dollar to various other currencies and vice versa.
Control click on a numerical text selection to expose the contextual menu. Only numerical selections will yield menu items that correspond to ExchangeRateCM. These menu items are labeled "[selection] in USD", for converting to US Dollar, and "[selection] USD in" for converting from US Dollar.
Selecting items from either of the two menus puts the converted value onto the clipboard so you can replace the text selection with the conversion or copy it elsewhere.
Yoink 232 |
xGestures 203 |
Monolingual 203 |
iconXprit 203 |
A Better Finder Attributes 203 |
Right Zoom 203 |
handyPrint 203 |
Typewriter Keyboard 203 |
Fan Control 203 |
SymbolicLinker 203 |