launchDictionary Specifications
Launch by shortcut or Menu bar icon.
If you take a closer look at the MOApp website you will see that my English - well - to be honest: it sucks :-) So is one of my most used apps. Unfortunately it terminates itself when closed and you always have to reopen it again. So I wrote this little tool to open Dictionary by shortcut or menu bar and maybe it can be useful for others, too... If you want you can add launchDictionary to your startup items (System Preferences > Accounts > Login Items)
Alfred 203 |
Quicksilver 203 |
Bevy 203 |
Twitch 203 |
LaunchMagic 203 |
FastScripts 203 |
Trickster 203 |
Delay Start 203 |
Butler 203 |
LaunchBar 203 |