Smart Trash v2.0
Enhance the functionality of the OS X trash.
Smart Trash Editor's review
This review was originally posted on version is much improved. I like how I can now assign the Cmd-Shft-Delete keys to empy the trash using Smart Trash, instead of the Finder. The only problem with this is that the dialog is just as uninformative as the standard Finder one is. I get no info on how many files are in the Trash, how much space on disk they take up, etc. etc. I realize I can get this info using the Smart Delete shortcut, but I don't always want to see what files come from what disks when I'm dumping the trash. It would just be nice to see a general round-up of how many files, and how much space they use when using Empty Trash. Still though, the Smart Delete is very functional and informative. Now if you can pass just a little of that info on to the regular Empty Trash command, we'd be all set.
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