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Tasty Recipes

Satisfy your appetite with over 800 recipes.



Protect your sensitive parts by hide them.


Home Remedies

Learn various tips about cure with natural remedies.


Fractions Calculator

Validate your own calculations and solve fraction problems.


Copy Log

Keep every text you`ve copied saved and access it from anywhere.



menuFOREX is placed on the menubar of your Mac desktop and feeds live forex reference rates.


Body Fat Calculator

Calculate your Body Fat %, BMR, BMI and Daily Calories.



Find out if you are ready for Veterinary Technician National Examination.


Relax Sounds

Get away from the noise of the city and feel free from the problems that surround you.


Noise Detective

Set an alarmed noise level!.


Baby Tracker

Determine when your baby may be born based on the date of your last menstrual period and the length of your cycle.



Find out if you are ready for Project Management Professional Test.