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Utilities & Operating Systems & Sub Categories


Bulk File Merger Standard

Merge multiple Excel files into one master file.


UI Browser

Explore, monitor and manipulate the user interface of most macOS applications.


Rotate Files

Automator action limits number of sequentially numbered files.



Schedule and automate various tasks on your computer.


VyprVPN for Mac

Configure your VyprVPN connections automatically and manage them.


FastFox Text Expander

Create word expansion and keyboard shortcuts.



Customize Mac menu keyboard shortcuts.



Performs only one function: click many times and as fast as you want.


Automator Virtual Input

Lets Automator simulate mouse clicks, movement & drags.



Convert iWork and MS Office documents in batches.


Convert to PDF

Convert all of your text files to PDF.


Useful Mac Services

Manage and configure your Mac OS services.