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Utilities & Operating Systems & Sub Categories


Contacts Cleanup

If you have hundreds or even thousands of contacts and you don't have the time to manually organize them and check for duplicates, then this app...


Donemax AppRemover

Uninstall applications from your Mac computer easily.


Apple Startup Disk

Change startup folders.


iPubsoft MOBI to ePub Converter for Mac

Read MOBI files on ePub-friendly devices.



Turn off your PC at the specified time.


Trash It!

AppleScript that force-deletes stubborn Trash items.

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Organize files, photos, movies by date.


Mailvita PST to MBOX Converter

Convert PST files to MBOX format.


Rotate Files

Automator action limits number of sequentially numbered files.



Plexify will help you to control the PlexConnect. The only utility you'll ever need.


Apple System Profiler

Gather information about the configuration of the Power Macintosh.


NTFSready for OSX

Use a tool to avoid problems with bad characters.