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Educational Software & Sub Categories


Screenshot to Speech

Read PDFs, scanned images, or even Kindle books.



Learn to solve the simple equations and inequalities.


California Driving Test

Pass your driving theory test in California.


Domain Coloring

Give forms to functions of complex variables.


Calorie Calculator

Calorie Calculator is based on the Mifflin - St Jeor equation because is the most accurate.


Langenscheidt Standard-Dictionary Russian

Dictionary contains around 74,000 entries (250,000 headwords, expressions and translations)



Foreign language vocab trainer, also for iPod.


Rhyme Genie

Dynamic rhyming dictionary with 30 different rhyme types and 300,000 entries.


Epubor Reader

Access ePub, PDF, AZW, PRC, TXT, HTMLz, and TPZ files easily.


BYOB (Build Your Own Blocks)

Visual drag-and-drop programming language based on Scratch; allows custom blocks, deep lists, etc.



Gradebook tracks students, assignments and scores.


HKL 2000

X-ray crystallography signal interpretation app.