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Desktop Enhancements & Sub Categories


Mouse Position Menu

Mouse Position Menu allows you to display your mouse position in the menu bar.



Get pop-up notifications for iTunes track changes, new email, and many other things.



Adds tabs to Finder windows and enables dual panel mode.


Linked Applications Launcher

Automatically launch, quit or kill applications when other ones launch or quit.


Function Keys Mapper

Quickly open any application, file or folder with the function keys of your keyboard.



iOS-style task switcher for Mac OS X.


WindowShade X

Collapse windows to their title bars and minimize in place.



Move, fullscreen, and pin windows using the green zoom button.


Startup Chime Stopper

Allows you to remove the irritating chime of your Macintosh at startup.


123Macmini Widget

Receive the latest Mac mini news headlines and reviews.



launcher and organizer for apps, docs & links


Brightness Slider

Adjust screen brightness from the menu bar, just like with volume.