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Desktop Enhancements & Sub Categories


Desktop Pins

Wallpaper that updates with the latest pins from Pinterest automatically.


Push To Talk

Creates a user-configurable hotkey that you press when you want to activate your Mac's microphone.


FCP TitleCleaner

clean text from Final Cut Pro subtitles



R/C boat and submarine scale calculator


Delay Start

Executes a list of programs after a time delay.


Tab Notes

Keep your stickies in tabs just off the screen.



Finder toolbar button that opens a shell at your current directory.



Add Windows-like task bar for your Mac.


Io Sprite

Dynamic Astrology Software Displaying Planetary Movement


Jewish Calendar

Calendar calculates Jewish dates, holidays & more


Desktop Covers

Use the currently playing music's artwork as your desktop background.



Enable color icons, Mountain Lion or Lion Finder sidebar in the Mavericks.