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Business Software & Sub Categories



property management software


Quick Keep for Google Keep

Quickly capture what's on your mind and be reminded at the right place or time.


WebRatio BPM Free (Mac)

Model your business processes, execute them on the Web, and export professional documentation.


Winmail Reader Pro

Extract, view the contents of winmail.dat files.


Virtual TimeClock Pro Client

Manage employee time and control payroll costs.


Organizer for Trello

Access your Trello Boards directly from your Mac's menu bar.


Package for Pages

Create business and personal content with Apple's Pages.



Create groups, share folders of files and your desktop screen with other group members.



Connect your FileMaker solution with Gmail, Google Contacts, Google Calendar, and Google Tasks.



point of sale & inventory control for retailers


Brochure Templates Maker by CA

Advertise your next big event easily.


App for Wikipedia

Organizer for Wikipedia is a lightweight and minimalistic Interface to Wikipedia.