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Business Software & Sub Categories


AppPerfect AgentlessMonitor

Monitor your devices easily.


Standard Hotel

Manage your guests inquiries and reservations easily.


OpenLink Multi-Tier Edition ODBC Driver & Server Components for Oracle 8i & 9i

OpenLink Multi-Tier Edition ODBC Driver & Server Components for Oracle 8i & 9i


Panorama Enterprise Server

Provide ram based server for database sharing & web publishing.


Collected for Mac

Find related content from your cloud-stored as you work in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.


AnotherPOS Pro

Fully functional point of sale system.


CheckMark Canadian Payroll

Calculate and print payrolls for small and medium Canadian enterprises.


Turbo Braille

command line text to braille translator


Package for Pages

Create business and personal content with Apple's Pages.


Organizer for Trello

Access your Trello Boards directly from your Mac's menu bar.



Helps automate typing parentheses, braces & brackets.