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Minimal browser for web developers that refreshes when project files are changed.



Browse the web easily.


Safari Prairiefire

Scan and weed Safari bookmarks for dead links, duplicates.


SRWare Iron

Chromium-based web browser with enhanced privacy and security options.



Cocoa web browser.


Leopard WebKit

Nightly channel build of WebKit for Macs running Mac OS X 10.5.



Browse faster and safer with automatic ad and tracker blocker.


Netscape Communicator (PowerPC Complete Install)

Get the latest version of this comprehensive set of Internet tools including a browser, chat client and much more.


Google Chrome dev

Download a new, fast browser.


Brandsonic Web

Browse the pages with a simple and fast interface.


Safari Technology Preview

Get a sneak peek at upcoming web technologies in OS X and iOS.


Coowon Browser

Browser based on Chromium.