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All software, Mac


Rankings Lite

Check keyword positions on multiple search engines.


Pro Audio Converter

Batch convert multiple files at once to multiple formats at once.


Memo Sticky Notes

Sticky notes for the desktop with password protection.


CoffeeCup Sonar

Get in-depth insight from under the hood of your website.


LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

Fly, smash and swing your way through a side-splitting LEGO adventure.



Listen to local and Web music in a customizable 3D audiospace that allows photo and video mashups.


Mozilla's next generation Web browser


Low Battery Saver

Safely sleeps your MacBook before it runs out of battery.



Get Slack-style emoji everywhere on your Mac.



Access and control a Mac from your cell phone.


Surround SCM

Manage source code files and track changes over time with RDBMS-based software version control.


SmartScore Update

Scan in music and and create music scores.