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Screensavers & Wallpaper & Sub Categories



Enjoy a recreation of the classic Satori screen saver from After Dark 2 and 3.



Animates an M.C. Escher print zooming in for a never-ending view of the scene.


3D Matrix Code Screensaver

Watch the Matrix code on your screen.


3D Desktop Zombies Screen Saver

3D zombies roam your desktop


Electric Sheep

Screensaver of morphing abstract animations, shared over the Internet.


3D New Years Countdown

Prepare your desktop for the New Years Day.


Snow for OS X

Bring snow, Santa, and a polar bear to your desktop.


Fireplace Live HD

Turn your screen into a beautiful fireplace.


StarWarsScroll Screen Saver

Main titles from Star Wars movies.



Screen saver that looks like an old-school terminal running commands.


Plasma Tunnel Screensaver

Travel through a tunnel on your desktop with configurable colors and fog.