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Entertainment Software & Sub Categories



Get access to over 60 million tracks and 250,000 videos, streaming with lossless quality.


Andromeda Streaming MP3 Server/Jukebox (PHP)

Andromeda Streaming MP3 Server/Jukebox (PHP)



Discover missing releases of your favorite artists.


MusicTime Deluxe

Write, arrange, print, play music.


Zebra Software Synthesizer

Wireless modular synthesizer plugin.


Musician's Practice Edge

Practice your skills using rhythmic and zoom tools.



Transcribe recorded music.


AnyMusic MP3 Downloader

Search, download, play, and convert unlimited music.


Vocal Lab

Record your voice, display pitch in graph, and identify problems in your singing.



Record, mix, and master audio tracks


MusiMoods Playlist Creator (Free Version)

Instantly create and play great mood and activity based playlists from your own music.


Lyrics Are Go

Display and control lyrics and slideshows on your screen.